Message from CEO - 17 April 2020
At integratedliving, we strive to provide the very best care to people in need – it’s our mission. As COVID-19 has developed, our passion and resolve to provide essential care to those in need is unchanged.
As a company, we have made operational changes which have enabled us to continue to provide a safe work environment and deliver vital services to our clients and we are committed to making our operational changes transparent.
Firstly, we continue to take the appropriate steps to ensure our workplaces are safe by following public health protocols. This means using technology to enable our staff to work remotely and secondly, equipping our frontline support workers with the additional equipment and training they need.
When we temporarily closed our offices back in March, we also did the same with our Wellness Centres, Activity Centres and Respite Centres and although we hoped to reopen on the 20 April, unfortunately it is necessary for them to remain closed until the current COVID-19 situation changes. We are however, providing alternative one-on-one home and virtual services and will be calling clients to offer this service.
If you are a client and have questions, you can reach us as you would normally. We encourage you to first visit our website for the most current information or contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 782 896.
This crisis affects all of us at a local level and connects us globally. We are committed to making the best of the situation on behalf of our clients and dedicated staff, and by supporting the communities we serve across Australia. Please join with me to thank our wonderful staff for adapting quickly, and for finding ways to continue to deliver such important services, so we can maintain the needs of clients seeking care.
We continue to monitor the situation, which can change rapidly, and is being experienced differently across locations. Whilst it is difficult to predict the changing environment, we will continue to provide updates.
In the meantime, we thank you for your continued support and understanding and we look forward to continuing to support those around us.
Be Safe.
Chief Executive Officer