Frequently asked questions
Core is integratedliving’s pilot program providing integrated healthcare services designed to deliver better health outcomes for people in regional, rural and remote Australia. The Core program is focused on healthy ageing and hospital avoidance support via proactive, preventative care that is integrated and flexible. It will support your wellbeing and provide you with greater control over your own health.
At the Core: Personal Health Partner, Nurses, Allied Health professionals, Geriatrician/Physician, Pharmacist, Social Worker and administration support. Across an integrated network: Doctor, Specialist Services, and Personal Health Assistants (often known as Support Workers) Domestic Assistance, Personal Care, Home and Garden Maintenance, Meals, Transport, Respite, etc.
Your Personal Healthcare Team is a dedicated and highly qualified multi-disciplinary support team focused on providing you with the continuity of care you need. Tell your health story once and enjoy the ongoing support of your Personal Healthcare Team throughout your journey with integratedliving. They will also celebrate with you when you reach your health goals and support you through more challenging times so that you can live, feel and be well at home and in your community.
You will be partnered with your own Personal Health Partner when you join Core, and they will be your dedicated first point of contact while you are a client of Core. They will work with you, together with your Personal Healthcare Team and your family, to understand your current health situation and tailor a Personal Health Management Plan that addresses your individual needs and goals. Your Personal Health Partner will also regularly review your plan to ensure your changing needs and preferences are captured, addressed and adjusted as needed.
This is a mobile application (app) that allows you to access the health services you need. It provides you with direct communication to your Personal Health Partner via phone, chat, email and video options. It is also a mobile health companion that enables you to interact with your Personal Healthcare Team, access your Personal Health Management Plan and service schedule, stay up-to-date with relevant news and health information and connect with others through a community forum.
The Personal Health Management Plan is a care plan specially tailored for you to ensure you can access the health services you need. This is created collaboratively with your Personal Health Partner and team, where decisions are made together with your wellbeing at the centre of everything we do. Your doctor can also be involved in developing your plan and adopt it to their care management plans. This partnership allows you to review and explore different care options throughout your journey with us, enabling you to achieve your health goals and remain in control of your preferred lifestyle.
Core builds on and integrates with our extensive suite of services nationally. In addition to our usual range of services, some additional services you may enjoy under Core include: Access to our specialist Core team including clinically qualified Personal Health Partner, Pharmacist and Physician.
- A holistic assessment of your current health status upon welcoming and work with your Personal Health Partner and Care team to tailor a flexible Personal Health Management Plan right for you.
- Timely and seamless adjustments to your Personal Health Management Plan that ensure you are continuously supported as your health changes over time.
- Enjoy ongoing health coaching from your Personal Health Partner and care team to learn how to take actions that help ensure you stay living safe and well through the ups and downs of ageing.
- Access to the Core App – your mobile health companion that provides you with direct communication to your Personal Health Partner and care team via phone, chat, email and video options. It enables you to interact with your Personal Healthcare Team, access your Personal Health Management Plan and service schedule, stay up-to-date with relevant news and health information and connect with others through a community forum.
- Receive round-the-clock health monitoring support through use of remote monitoring technology such as smart alarms, sensors and detectors.
Accessing connected health services in regional, rural and remote areas can be challenging. Core is a new model of care that gives you choice, control and tailored, consistent and holistic support. It provides you with a single point of entry to access more of the health services you need. You will work with a dedicated Personal Healthcare Team to receive personalised care focused on helping you achieve your health goals. Services can be provided remotely (online) or on location, and you will also be able to access assistive health monitoring technologies that can provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind.
You will still have access to the range of services you enjoy now as an integratedliving client, but in addition you will also enjoy the benefits of working with a Personal Health Partner and a care team to reach your health goals. They will work with you to create and manage your Personal Health Management Plan as well as provide and organise the health services you require.
If you have been assessed by My Aged Care and assigned a funding package that is HCP Level 3 or above, you do not need to be re-assessed to participate in the Core service. If you have been assessed and/or approved for CHSP or HCP Level 1 or 2 funding you may need to be re-assessed. Our Core team can help you determine what you need to do.
I am currently with another health or aged care provider, how can I participate in the Core program?
Switching your provider is easy. Talk to your doctor or you can call us on 1300 782 896 to check your eligibility. Our friendly staff will be able to assist you.
Generally, there are no extra fees. There may however be co-contributions for some services, and you can also choose to purchase additional services. Our team will work with you within your funding allocation (or package budget), however, should you wish to purchase services in addition to your allocated budget, you may choose to do so. Any fees will be discussed and quoted to you prior to a commitment being made.
Yes, the Core program includes virtual health services, and you will receive the same high-quality care whether your care is provided virtually or on location.
People in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia can have difficulty accessing the health care services they require. Being able to engage the right health professionals virtually, no matter where you are based, ensures we can provide you the health care you need anywhere, anytime. This enables your Personal Healthcare Team to respond proactively to any changes in your health so any deterioration or crisis episode can be addressed as quickly as possible. This gives both you and your family peace of mind that you can live safely and well at home.
Yes. This service can be aligned with your values and preferences. Your Personal Health Partner and team will take the time to get to know you, including understanding your health beliefs, cultural norms and preferences. You may also have your preferred support person included during the consultations or access interpreting services if required.
This is a three-year, independently evaluated program aiming to bring health care partners (GPs, Pharmacists, Physicians, hospitals, researchers, medical and other specialists) and integratedliving services together, to form an ecosystem of support around eligible clients and their carers.
We launched the IHSD and its foundational service, Core by integratedliving, on 1 November 2021 in partnership with the Federal Government, the University of Technology Sydney, Primary Health Networks, General Practitioners, hospitals and other specialist providers and digital partners. Once the IHSD program is complete and the service delivery model is evaluated and optimised, it is integratedliving’s aim to make this service available to many more clients.

Achieve your health goals
We give you choice, control and tailored consistent support. Get started now or call us to chat about how we can help you stay living, feeling and being well.