Exercise - Nature's best medication
Imagine if there was a medication that we could all take each day that improved strength, flexibility, balance, memory and mental health and reduced our risk of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Good news, there is. And best of all its free. It’s called Exercise.
During this time of uncertainty in our community, one thing we do have control over, is the amount of physical activity we complete each day.
Luckily, this isn’t something we even need to leave the house for. Regular physical activity can promote positive, healthy habits during a time of isolation from our family, friends and wider community. Considering your current physical activity levels is important now more than ever as research shows regular exercise can support not only our physical wellbeing, but also our immune system function and our mental wellbeing.
Here are some handy tips for staying active at home:
Sit less
Try breaking up the amount of time you spend sitting by setting alarms or reminders to move about the house every hour. This might involve walking around the house or yard, making a cup of tea or a few gentle exercises at the kitchen bench.
Stand or walk around the house
Try standing or walking around the house every time you are on the phone. A good reason to call your family and friends to check in on them more often.
Break up your structured exercise throughout the day
In most cases, 10 minutes of exercise, completed 3 times across the day will have the same benefits as completing 30 minutes at once. This is great news for those who tolerate exercise better in smaller bursts or those who get tired easily.
Try a different exercise
Try completing a different exercise in the ad breaks of your favourite tv show. This can easily accumulate 10 minutes of exercise while watching your favourite half hour program.
Try learning a new skill
Have you always wanted to learn tai chi, yoga or to balance on one leg with your eyes closed? Now is the perfect opportunity!
Set reasonable expectations
If exercise is new to you, start low and go slow.
Doing something is better than nothing!
If you are unsure what sort of exercises are right for you, or you need a friendly face to help with motivation or accountability, try speaking with one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists for an individualised exercise program. We are also currently providing virtual exercise programs with regular coaching with our Exercise Physiologists.
The Home Exercise program includes:
- Over the phone initial assessment
- Individualised exercise program that can be emailed or posted to your home address
- Weekly coaching phone call or video call with an Exercise Physiologist
- Regular check ins with Wellness Centre staff.