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Important emergency information for Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Written by Andrew Murray, Head of Risk Management and Business Continuity with integratedliving

A message to all our clients, team members and community in areas affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred.

Please stay safe, vigilant and as prepared as possible for this severe weather event. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of some of the best resources you may need at this time.

The Australian government provides some great mental health and aged-care support here: 

See below for more information on these.

For all localised warnings, stay informed with your Local Council’s Disaster Hub, listed below. These offer up-to-date information and links to key emergency services in one location. They include weather warnings, road closures, evacuation centres, airport updates, traffic cameras and flood mapping.

Listen to your local radio station.

  • For weather information, visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.
  • For power outage information, visit the Energex or Essential Energy websites.
  • For traffic and road closure information, visit the Live Traffic website. 
  • If you require urgent sandbag delivery assistance, please contact SES at 132 500 or log a request via the SES app.

Your state government has a wealth of resources also. Visit: 


New South Wales:

From the Federal Government's Tropical Cyclone support page

Emergency contacts

Medical treatment or advice

If you need medical attention or medicine, contact your local:

  • general practitioner (GP)
  • pharmacy
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS).

If they are closed, you can find a health service through:

To speak with a registered nurse 24/7, call healthdirect on 1800 022 222, or call 13 HEALTH (13 43 26 58) if you are in Queensland. Depending on your symptoms you may be connected virtually to a GP.

healthdirect can also connect you to your local Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.

Mental health support

It’s normal to feel stressed or anxious in the lead-up to and during an emergency situation. Stay in contact with loved ones who may be in the path of the cyclone. Checking in on friends or family can support them at this time.

National, regional and local mental health supports funded by the Australian Government and state governments are available.

Immediate 24/7 mental health help is available. People impacted by Cyclone Alfred can contact the following support services.

Health support Contact numbers Services
Lifeline Lifeline

Call 13 11 14
National counselling service
Beyond Blue Beyond Blue

Call 1300 22 4636
National mental health and wellbeing support service
MensLine MensLine

Call 1300 78 99 78
National 24/7 online counselling support for men
Lifeline Text Lifeline Text

Call 0477 13 11 14
24/7 crisis support text service

Call 13 92 76
24/7 crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Kids Helpline Kids Helpline

Call 1800 551 800
Counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25 years
headspace headspace

Call 1800 650 890
A program for young people aged 12 to 25 years experiencing, or at risk of mild to moderate mental illness
Older Persons Advocacy Network OPAN

Call 1800 700 600
Free, confidential and independent support for older people

Find more flood and storm support.

Stay safe after the cyclone has passed

After the cyclone has passed, health threats may remain in affected areas.

  • Never enter floodwater, including in a vehicle.
  • Take care with drinking water, particularly if a boil water warning is issued.
  • Throw out perishable food that has been unrefrigerated for an extended period, such as during a power outage.
  • Make sure generators are running in properly ventilated areas, as they can produce hazardous exhaust fumes.
  • Be aware that animals displaced by floodwaters may have moved close to your home, including dangerous snakes and spiders.
  • Take protective steps if you are moving through areas with damaged building materials, as damaged homes may pose an asbestos exposure risk.

Find more information about:

Read more here:

Please stay safe and as prepared as possible.