Message from CEO - 24 April 2020
Sitting at home, having completed another video conference call, I’m reflecting on the enormity of these past few weeks, how much has changed and how significantly all our lives have been affected.
As the necessary changes to our lives continue, I want to acknowledge that while we may be getting more used to these restrictions, they aren’t necessarily getting easier for many of us. We miss the connection to our family and friends - a phone call, facetime, or Zoom chat, can never replace a hug from someone we love.
Many of our team have parents who are isolated, and we have many staff with grandchildren they also miss seeing. Many staff have school age children and they are now juggling supporting learning, with working fulltime. Some find themselves in changed and challenging financial circumstances within their family. We are all facing challenges that can increase our stress and anxiety. However, we do have resilience, hope and kindness.
Please don’t forget that your mental and emotional health and wellbeing is just as important as your physical health in this stressful time. Prioritising time to switch off and relax, taking some time to enjoy a pasttime, or reflect on an enjoyable experience can build resilience. Please reach out if we can provide support, especially for social connections, wellbeing, or practical tasks.
There is hope that Australia will start to return to some sort of normality soon, with people feeling more confident to reinstate services. COVID-19 numbers remain low in Australia, due to continued management of the pandemic with the focus on infection control, social distancing, isolation, and coughing etiquette.
And kindness is on display by so many. Every day I hear stories and see photos on our social media sites of our staff going above and beyond to help our clients and it gives me immense pride to see our staff being so professional and compassionate in this really difficult period. I am also humbled by the way all staff have responded to the situation and are supporting one another. In the coming weeks we will be profiling some of these many stories you have sent through to us.
Tomorrow is Anzac Day and we would like to show our respect and appreciation for our veterans and their families. With social isolation we will all find our own ways to mark this occasion and remember their sacrifices.
Please take care and let us know if we can provide additional support.
Chief Executive Officer