Message from the CEO - 28 May 2021
Hello everyone,
I hope this message finds you well. Our thoughts are with our clients and staff in Victoria who are once again in lockdown. We certainly hope that the public health measures being taken will result in this outbreak being brought under control quickly.
How is integratedliving managing the lockdown?
Our dedicated staff in Victoria are continuing to deliver essential services to our clients throughout the lockdown. They will be wearing surgical masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as required. We monitor the situation daily and if the current circumstances were to change, we would assess if any services need to be cancelled or postponed and would communicate with affected clients directly.
Our standard COVID-19 infection prevention and control measures are always in place for our staff.
- Staff self-screening and client screening
- Hand hygiene and cough etiquette
- Physical distancing (1.5m)
- Staff are to wear a surgical mask where physical distancing is not possible and when indicated in our Infection Prevention and Control Procedure.
Our frontline staff in NSW and the ACT will also be wearing surgical masks when delivering services for the time being. We are grateful for your understanding around the need for our staff to use additional PPE when outbreaks and lockdowns are occurring. These measures are applied to ensure your safety and wellbeing.
As I mentioned in my last website statement, the processes we have in place to deal with COVID-19 outbreaks and lockdowns are agile and robust. We assess and make decisions based on public health information and directives as situations arise and we can quickly communicate decisions with staff and clients. Our goal, as ever, is to keep both our clients and staff safe and ensure service continuity.
How you can help
Please be vigilant with your own hand hygiene and cough etiquette and if you have travelled to Victoria since 12 May, please let us know by calling our Customer Service Centre on 1300 782 896.
Our staff will continue to ask you our client screening questions prior to every service as this is a vital tool in our efforts to keep both yourself and our staff safe.
The screening tool includes links to known exposure sites so if you have visited somewhere where there is a current outbreak, we can identify this during the screening process.
If you haven’t already been vaccinated against COVID-19, we encourage you to speak to your GP about this or make an appointment at your local vaccine clinic. You can find all the information you need on the government’s health website. Your GP can also direct you to local vaccination clinics.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns via our friendly Customer Service Team on 1300 782 896.
Stay safe and take care.
Chief Executive Officer