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World Elder Abuse Day - We all have a role to play

Written by Mark Acheson, Communications Partner with integratedliving
World Elder Abuse 760 X 427

Recognised by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2011, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAD) emphasises a simple but important message - that elder abuse is never okay.   Held on June 15 each year, WEAD is timely reminder that we all have the right to live a life free from abuse, harm or neglect.

Only one in five cases of elder abuse is reported in Australia, meaning a significant majority of elders are unable or unwilling to speak out. Elder abuse can come in the form of sexual, financial, verbal, emotional/ psychological and social abuse. Financial abuse appears to be the most common form of abuse experienced by elderly people.

There are six commonly recognised categories of elder abuse:

  • Physical abuse

    Intentional infliction of physical pain, injury or physical intimidation.  
  • Sexual abuse

    Unwanted sexual acts including sexual contact, rape, language or exploitative behaviours where the person’s consent has not been obtained, or has been obtained through coercion, or where the person is unable to consent due to cognitive incapacity.  
  • Financial abuse

    Illegal or improper use or management of a client’s money, property or other financial resources.  
  • Neglect

    The failure of a responsible person to provide the necessities of life such as adequate food, shelter, clothing, medical or dental care to an older person or person with a disability. Neglect can be intentional or passive.  

  • Psychological/Emotional

    The infliction of mental stress involving actions and threats that cause isolation, fear of violence, restricting or preventing social contact, deprivation, deliberately offensive, derogatory or vulgar language, and feelings of shame and powerlessness.  

  • Social

    Prevention of social contact with family, friends or access to social activities.

It’s critical you seek help if you are the victim of elder abuse, knowing the signs may help you recognise when yourself or someone else needs support. A good place to start is speaking with a trusted friend or family member, should circumstances permit.

You can also contact the National Elder Abuse Helpline: 1800 ELDERHelp (1800 353 374).  

1800ELDERHelp automatically redirects callers seeking information or advice on elder abuse to their state or territory phone line service. If you require assistance in an emergency or life-threatening situation, you should dial 000. 

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