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Managing diabetes at home

Written by Freya Griffin, Communications Partner with integratedliving

When it comes to preventative health and managing health, integratedliving’s Wellness for Independence® programs are becoming an increasingly popular way for older Australians to connect with lifelong learning tools to assist with living well at home.

This Live Well Podcast episode features client, Marji, sharing her story of managing pre-diabetes, and Registered Nurse, Chris Crockett, and touches on how the Diabetes and Foot Wellness program helped Marji stay informed and on the front foot with her lifestyle. Marji discusses how learning about nutrition and foot health is key to managing diabetes. 

A full episode transcript of this podcast is now available. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel and be updated with our latest episodes. You can also subscribe to our podcast channels available on your favourite podcast listening app, including Spotify. 


Find out more about our Foot and Diabetes Wellness Program

Read more about Diabetes