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Nanette scales new heights after weight loss

Written by Joanne Isaac, Senior Manager (Communications and Campaigns) with integratedliving

Nanette has proved there ‘ain’t no mountain high enough’ to not climb after melting away an incredible three stone in weight after swapping chocolate for exercise to climb Mount Tomaree in Port Stephens. 

Just two years ago, Nanette, aged 70 weighed 106kg and was crippled with painful arthritis, until her neighbour told her about the community at the Wellness Centre by integratedliving at Raymond Terrace.

On joining, the Wellness Centre’s personal trainer Emily Hurd, pushed Nanette to achieve her goals, and she has transformed her life.

Nanette said: “I used to sit in the lounge and eat chocolate until my neighbour one day told me about the gym and I thought if she can do it, I might be able to give it a go. It got me out of the house, so I signed up and Emily’s been making me work hard ever since”.

 “For the first year we worked on getting me up and down from the floor, as I could not do this. In my lounge, I had three pillows because I couldn’t get up without them. I also wanted to try stand up paddle boarding, so, I bought knee pads and Emily worked with me on getting down and back up and I eventually got it and went stand up paddle boarding.” 

Nanette also credits her weight loss to having a dietician and says her new daily routine also prevented her from needing a second hip and knee replacement.

"When my husband died 12 years ago, I thought well I’ll just sit here and wait for my turn. But changing my diet and working so hard to improve my fitness and strength has meant that I’m now pain free from arthritis and don’t take medication for it anymore and I didn’t need a second knee reconstruction.   

“My doctors tell their other patients about me and people are often dubious, just like I used to be, but exercise is the best thing for arthritis. I’m living proof it works.”

She said: “I had a dietitian help me understand what food my body does and doesn’t like. Now I don’t eat certain foods and the only sugar I have is maple syrup. I was in agony with arthritis, especially in my fingers and knees. I’d already had a hip and knee replacement on one side and last year I was meant to get my knee replaced on my other leg, but I didn’t need it.” 

The added benefit of new friends and social connectedness also motivate Nanette to keep up with her exercise, something which he has tried do even through the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Nanette, said: “Until the Wellness Centre had to temporarily close because of COVID-19, I attended every day of the week and sometimes did two yoga sessions along with a gym session. I’ve made friends since I started and love Simone and Zeke, our yoga teachers.” 

Sadly, Nanette for now has had to temporarily put her training on hold whilst she overcomes another mountain – cancer. She is currently recovering well from her treatment.

She added "When I found out I had cancer, I just thought, this is my journey and I better get on with it. Hopefully soon I will be feeling better, as I’m really looking forward to getting back to the gym and yoga.  Exercise works and the team are just great.”

We wish you well Nanette.

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